5 star review
"I'm so grateful for The Credit People! I finally have a fresh start." - Jessica K. -Boulder, CO

Let's Get Started

Better credit in just a few months...

You'll wonder why you waited so long.

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Terms and Conditions
By clicking "NEXT STEP" I agree to be contacted by The Credit People about credit repair or my credit by a live agent, artificial or prerecorded voice and text messages at the number provided, which I certify is a number that I am the owner of, dialed manually or by autodialer, and by email. I am not required to consent in order to purchase. I agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policy.
Order question? 866-382-3410
  • 1 Create your account

    You'll see your reports, scores, and we'll get to work right away!
  • 2 We get to work

    You'll watch the progress we make with your credit every step of the way.
  • 3 Better Credit AwaitsTM

    You'll see the difference. With better credit and a higher credit score you'll save money, get approved, and have peace of mind again.

No Commitment

We work for you for as long as you'd like. When you’re happy, we’re happy.

Higher Credit Scores

Estimated credit score increase of 50-100+ points. Your life gets so much better with high credit scores.

Satisfaction Guarantee

None of the risk, all of the reward. With our satisfaction guarantee in place, you don’t have to worry.


The Wall Street Journal Smart Money The New York Times
5 star review
Durham, NC
"I just had an great experience with The Credit People. They listened about my concerns about my credit score and started working on everything. Their team was knowledgeable but also genuinely caring, super happy."
5 star review
Auburn, WA
"I was so tired of being told "NO" and finally signed up, ready for a change. I'm so glad I did. I'm already seeing a difference."
5 star review
Fond du Lac, WI
"I'm up over 40 points! I needed some good news today… THANK YOU for all you're doing for me!"
5 star review
Los Angeles, CA
"All good vibes for this company. Legends!!! My credit score was so bad before but they hooked me up and got my credit so much better."
5 star review
Novato, CA
"Big shoutout to The Credit People! These guys seriously know their stuff when it comes to fixing credit. I mean, I was stressing hard about my credit score, but they took care of it and totally turned things around for me."
5 star review
Huntsville, AL
"This service is so much easier than I expected. Thank you for being patient with me and helping me through this process. I knew nothing about my credit before! I can't wait to see what the next few months brings."

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